

Aix Scientifics®   Clinical Research Organisation

Please be aware : here we describe our privacy policy. Aix Scientifics® can not control to which extent governmental institutions, secret services, providers, or criminals will read, store, and/or evaluate the data traffic.

Aix Scientifics® Privacy Policy   .

Generally, we try to keep your stay on this site as safe as possible. We do not annoy you either with cookies, web beacons, banners, social links, frames, iFrames, Java, Flash or with pop-up windows. Aix Scientifics® attends the national, European and international regulations on data privacy and on the European quality criteria for health-related websites (eEurope 2002) ..

The public area of our website is intended for everyone. We designed the public area with the goal to provide you with information about our company. At no point, we give any medical advice. The content on this website in no way replaces information of your doctor. This website is funded only by Aix Scientifics®. Our website neither includes or does accept advertising. Links to third-party websites, are pointed out explicitly.

In the public area of our website the behaviour of the user will not be traced. Besides the standard server logfiles (recording browser, operating system, referrals, and IP address) you will leave no traces on our website. We use this information solely to find and remove errors on our website, but not for any marketing purposes. Such information will not be given to any third party.

In the public area of our website JavaScript is only used for easy navigation. All pages and information should be accessible also without JavaScript.

As far as in the public area of our website personal data are collected by means of forms, information is not enforced. Aix Scientifics® will use these data solely for the intended purposes and will not pass any of these data to third parties without your explicit request to do so. Conduct yourself as if you send us an email with this information. Usually Spam will be deleted immediately. Business post, on the other hand, will be kept over the years (however, not on this server).

The protected area of our website is only accessible via the login. There is need for adequate rights, which will be given only as part of a written contract. Communication is always encrypted. To document how and when project data are collected every step of the user is comprehensively traced and stored in databases. You may feel to be observed.

The protected area of our website is designed to support projects of our clients. They pay us for this service, hopefully.

During clinical phase I to phase IV trials, data will be collected only after the physician has received written consent from the patient / volunteer / donor. To prevent confusion, the doctor may consider it to be helpful, to use initials or the ID numbers of patients in the clinic. Personal data like these can only be seen by the investigators from the corresponding clinic and the administrator. These data will not be seen by others, neither by other collaborators of Aix Scientifics®, other doctors nor any third parties.

The respective sponsor of a study, in addition to the statistical report, will get a copy of the database. Both, the report as well as the copy of the database will only contain anonymous data. As far as any individual cases are reported, solely the patient number in the study and the age in years are reported, but never initials or the date of birth.

Where in a project additional personal data are collected, you will be informed beforehand about it in detail and will give your written approval explicitly. Aix Scientifics® will use these data solely for the purposes authorized by you. They will in no case be given to a third party and will never be part of any report. If you have any questions about your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer:

Our Data Protection Officer can be reached by e-mail :

URL: https://aix-scientifics.us/en/policy.html     ( QR | DM  code ) (vCard) [ printed: 22.10.2024 18:11 GMT]
Copyright © 1996-2024   Aix Scientifics® CRO, Aix (Aachen), Fed.Rep.Germany (last revision : 02.02.2024)
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